
YMCA Says ‘Start Small’

The New Year is a time for new beginnings! While it’s tempting to make big goals, like losing thirty pounds in thirty days or committing to seven-days-a-week of volunteer service, it’s essential to start small.

Set goals that are attainable, easy to sustain and lead to big benefits over time, suggests the Door County YMCA, who have five New Year’s Resolutions they recommend for 2014:

1. Eat Healthy: Make water your drink of choice and eat more fruits and vegetables. Keep it interesting and create some variety by mixing and matching fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables.

2. Commit to Community Service: Giving back and supporting neighbors can benefit everyone involved. Not only is it a personally rewarding experience to help others in need, but it’s also a way to meet new people or discover an interest. Find an opportunity in your community, such as cleaning the neighborhood park or distributing food at a local food bank.

3. Unplug from Technology: Limit screen time (television, video games, computer, etc.) and set aside an hour or two for activities. If weather permits, go for a walk, bike ride, trip to the park, or have a game night at home with family or friends.

4. Be Physically Active: It’s important for children to get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day (30 minutes for adults). Incorporate physical activity into your daily routines and spend more time walking to places instead of driving to improve your health and well-being.

5. Put Extras to Good Use: Do you have extra canned goods or clothes that could benefit others in need? Clean out your pantry, closet or attic and donate extra items to homeless shelters or community outreach programs.

To kick of your new year on the right foot, the Door County Y offers free 15-minute nutrition counseling to its members as well as Jumpstart consultations with a personal trainer. If you join the Y on New Year’s Day, your processing fee is waived entirely, and you’ll still have time to register for next session’s classes which begin on January 6.

For additional tips or to learn more about how to get involved with the Door County YMCA call 920.743.4949 or visit