
Article posted Thursday, January 15, 2015 11:39am

Dear Mary Pat,

Should I take it personally that my husband isn’t taking me on vacation with him? He claims that I would be bored while he fishes for a week and that we can have a vacation together some other time. I just don’t understand why I can’t go. He acts like he might have more fun with just the guys. I’ve been in a 10-day snit about it, and he leaves tomorrow morning. He has not responded to my guilt trips or my irritation. What’s a girl to do?


Poor Me

Jacksonport, WI

Dear Poor Me,

It’s healthy for couples to vacation apart from time to time (* see exceptions below). In any relationship it would be rare to find two people who had the exact same hobbies and interests. You won’t find a lot of men wanting to go on scrapbooking excursions; however, it has become a popular choice for girls’ weekends. Just as there are not a lot of women signing up for NASCAR tours complete with pit passes (ugh – can you imagine?). You should re-familiarize yourself with the expression absence makes the heart grow fonder. This will certainly be the case if he leaves with a good memory of you. Perhaps you could be waving to your husband from your porch blowing him kisses (after making him an incredible breakfast of course), as opposed to making inappropriate hand gestures and saying “Hope you fall out of the fishing boat, loser!” It’s time to snap out of your sulk and realize the incredible opportunity you have before you – a week all to yourself.

* There are some red flags to look out for when your spouse wants to vacation without you:

• He/She has booked a one-way ticket and is vague about when he/she is coming back.

• He/She chuckles when a “what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” commercial comes on and then immediately makes reservations.

• He/She can’t seem to find his/her wedding band the day he/she is leaving.

• He/She packs swimwear and tanning accelerator for whale watching in Alaska.

Good luck,

Mary Pat