
Article posted Thursday, April 16, 2015 1:09pm

Dear Mary Pat,

Do you know people who hijack conversations and then trap you for what seems like hours? I have a co-worker who doesn’t know when to let a conversation end. I could say to her, “my house is on fire” or “if I don’t pick my child up in five minutes, they will leave her on the curb,” or even “your house is on fire” and nothing would stop this motor-mouthing-chatty-Patty. Is there a way to gracefully leave a conversation when the other person doesn’t seem to hear me?


Talked Out

Sturgeon Bay, Wis.

Dear Talked Out,

I wish I only had one such person in my life, when in fact there are several. I have come to learn that some people love to talk and some of these same people can’t always pick up on the same social cues that most of society picks up on. As a result, they most likely won’t be offended when you abruptly end your discussion and just leave. If you do have an appointment or a schedule to keep and you simply must leave, then you have every right to do so without worrying about causing offense. It always helps if you physically move towards the door or to your car or to whatever escape route is closest. You can tap your watch and say, “I’m so sorry to cut you off, but I need to leave now.” Then follow up on it. Sprinkle in some hand gestures too (not those kind!) such as tapping your watch or the mea culpa thump to your chest if a more dramatic departure is needed.

Good luck,

Mary Pat