
A Weekend of Inspiration at the Island Lit Fest

Nearly 100 attendees were part of a weekend of inspiration at the 11th Washington Island Literary Festival Sept. 20-22. 

Attendees took in three days of free community creative labs, writing workshops, panel discussions, author talks, book signings and social events. 

The weekend began with a free creative lab led by writers Alessandra Simmons Rolffs and Elizabeth Evans Sachs on the verandah of the Trueblood Performing Arts Center. 

Friday brought a series of writing workshops in fiction with Lan Samantha Chang and Shelby Van Pelt; nonfiction with Meghan O’Gieblyn and Denise Low Weso; and poetry with Brenda Cárdenas and Albert DeGenova. Saturday began with a panel discussion with five featured presenters: Amy Quan Barry, Brenda Cárdenas, Lan Samantha Chang, Meghan O’Gieblyn, and Shelby Van Pelt. 

Attendees and presenters alike responded enthusiastically to the festival. “Attending as an author/speaker, I’m used to festivals leaving my cup on the empty side, but my gosh – I felt so full after my weekend on the island!” said novelist Shelby Van Pelt, author of Remarkably Bright Creatures. “What an incredibly kind and talented and fascinating community of writer/reader folks. I left feeling so inspired and energized about my own writing!” 

Poet Brenda Cárdenas echoed her comments. 

“I do many readings around the nation at universities, literary centers, etc., and this was one of the most enjoyable experiences I’ve had,” Cárdenas said. 

The 2024 Washington Island Literary Festival is scheduled for Thursday – Saturday, Sept. 19-21. The theme and authors will be announced in early 2024. 

Jerod Santek, artistic director at Write On, Door County, encourages interested attendees to secure their housing arrangements early. 

“The island can be very busy in fall and rooms book up fast,” he said. “If you know you want to attend, don’t wait for the festival registration to open to book your accommodations.”