
Congratulations to Courtney and Karin Skare

At times those that serve us in restaurants,
Seem uncertain and rather green.
It’s quite the contrary with these two,
Been bussing and serving since the age of 14.

They’ve packed experiences in their young lives,
While we read and dream and try to understand.
Armed with college degrees their goal – to travel.
Courtney a year in New Zealand; Karin a year in Thailand.

These two have complete and extensive resumes.
They possess solid philosophies with all the tools.
Not to mention most complete work ethics,
Once again – “Nice job, Gibraltar Schools!”

You’ll find Karin in the back of the house,
Or maybe during free time out for a run.
Courtney’s usually in the front of house operations.
Her run is chasing Arlo, her 20-month-old son.