
Facts & Figures

A water shortage might seem impossible to imagine as one peers from the shoreline of Door County across the vast expanse of Lake Michigan or Green Bay, but, increasingly, areas throughout the United States and the world are investigating ways to stave off water shortages – including turning wastewater into drinking water.

While the idea of toilet-to-tap is tough to swallow, it could be a reality as it’s estimated that by the year 2025 half of the world’s population won’t have access to safe water.


The gallons of water that the average American uses in a day


Amount of water needs on the island of Singapore that are met with reclaimed water

700, 52

Number of single-family homes and schools, respectively, in the Tucson area that tap recycled water for outdoor landscaping

$20 million

Amount spent annually by Tucson to bring in water from the Colorado River basin


Percent of water lost after it is flushed down the drain and it leaves the wastewater treatment facility

Source: “Would you drink toilet water?” by Leah Zerbe,