
Featured Stretch: Savasana (Corpse Pose)

Okay, I admit that Corpse Pose isn’t exactly a “stretch” and that it doesn’t look like much of a yoga pose, but it may actually be the most important of them all. In today’s hectic world, how often do we get to just be still? In fact, many of us don’t know how to be still, and what’s worse, often we don’t even realize that we don’t know how to be still.

Understand though, Savasana isn’t about taking a nap or just resting, it is a practice of observation and quieting the senses. It teaches us that we are not our physical body or the sum of our thoughts. Instead, we are free, no matter our surroundings or the condition of our body, and we have access to this place of stillness at all times. Maybe you can imagine how developing this skill could help with the stresses of everyday life.

Lie on your back, legs extended, feet approximately hip width apart. Rest your arms on the floor at about a 45-degree angle from the torso, palms up. It is important that the body be symmetrical and neutral in its position and that nothing is touching your limbs that could be distracting. Be sure your head is centered as it rests on the floor. You may find it comforting to cover yourself with a blanket, especially if the room is cool.

Allow your whole body to completely relax. Once you feel settled, close your eyes and let them feel heavy in their sockets. Soften your entire face, especially the forehead and mouth. Release the tongue from the roof of the mouth, and feel the sides of the throat melt toward the ground. Practice not reacting to thoughts as they come and go. Remain still and present. Observe for 5 to 10 minutes or longer. To come out of the pose, slowly roll to one side and rest. Press yourself up to be seated.

Lori Rasmussen, a Yoga Alliance Registered Instructor, teaches classes at Saguaro Day Spa in Sturgeon Bay. For class times and more information, visit