
Financial Planning for Future Couples

Gay Pustaver, executive director of Money Management Counselors, offers some advice about financially planning for the future as a couple. When preparing for marriage, there are oftentimes a year’s worth of details that need to be addressed; planning for long-term financial success as partners is no different.

“It takes a conscious effort to look at both sets of values about money, and two people willing to address their challenges or opportunities together. Reviewing a spending plan objectively and proactively discussing both similarities and differences, is a concrete way to build trust in a relationship,” said Pustaver. “My role is not to tell people what to do, but rather help them by identifying steps they can take on their own to arrive at outcomes that are best for their situation and disciplines.”

Pustaver is open to requests by churches or other entities to hold a class for those preparing for marriage or for newlyweds who would like to learn more about financial literacy education. Financial education is a big part of what Money Management Counselors provides to the community. For more information, visit or call 920.743.1862.