
Overheard & Pet Peeves


Are there tid-bits of conversations you’ve heard while standing in line at the grocery store, serving a table, or walking down the sidewalk that make you smile, cringe or laugh out loud?

“She has hot breath, and I like that…it’s different.”

“The beef one is saltier.”

“Your hammer toe is gently caressing my very large knuckled big toe.”

“Because math.”

“Men don’t buy things.”

“Look, the skin colored crayon, untouched except by time.”

“Ice cream is king.”

“I just had an idea with glue…I’ll be right back.”

“I love the kombucha until you get the snot gob.”

“Isn’t that what the game of golf is all about – being frustrated?”


Is there something that really irks you, gets your goat, rubs you the wrong way, drives you up the wall, gets you bent out of shape, puts a stick in your craw, or makes you want to throw in the towel?

“55 degrees in August.” – Anonymous

“Slow golfers ahead of you. And also fast golfers behind you.” – Anonymous

“When women wear a regular bra with a racer back or halter tank top.” – Anonymous

“People who keep political signs in their yard after the election is over.” – Anonymous

“Squatters and hobos.” – Anonymous

Be a part of the Pulse! Send over your SHOUT OUTS, OBSESSIONS, OVERHEARDS, or PET PEEVES to [email protected] with one of the above categories in the subject line…and, let us know if you’d prefer the submission be printed anonymously.