
Snakes in the Town Hall

Garter Snake at The Ridges. Photo courtesy of Lucas Frykman.

Believe it or not, the majority of snakes in Wisconsin are beneficial. Granted, some snakes can bite and large ones can even draw blood, but in Wisconsin, only two out of 22 are poisonous. And most snakes help to control potentially destructive insects and rodents.

“People are afraid of snakes, probably because they know that several are poisonous. But in fact, bee and wasp stings and lightning claim far more lives nationwide than poisonous snakes,” says Scott Craven, emeritus UW – Extension wildlife ecologist. Craven will dispel some of the myths about snakes when he presents “Snakes of Wisconsin” on Aug. 7 at 7 pm in the Baileys Harbor Town Hall. The program is part of The Ridges Lake Lessons summer speaker series.

Craven will use snake specimens during his program to illustrate snake biology. His program will also address the importance of habitat management for snakes and include a brief update on important wildlife issues and other species in Wisconsin.

Admission to Lake Lessons is free, but donations are welcome.