
TAP’s Play-Reading Series Shifts To Virtual

Third Avenue PlayWorks (TAP) has made some changes to its play-reading series.

Dairyland by Heidi Armbruster, set for Feb. 4, 7 pm, will be performed virtually only, and the planned reading of Betrayal by Harold Pinter on Feb. 5 has been canceled. The final two shows in the series will be performed virtually only.

Mrs. Harrison by R. Eric Thomas will be performed Feb. 19, 7 pm. In it, Aisha and Holly meet by chance at their 10-year college reunion. Is this the first time they’ve met, or has it just been a long time? They can’t agree. Aisha is a successful Black playwright, and Holly is a struggling, white stand-up comedian. Aisha’s most successful play bears a striking resemblance to a tragic event in Holly’s life, so is it a coincidence or theft?

On Feb. 20, 7 pm, TAP will present The Last Match by Anna Ziegler.

Played out under the bright lights of the U.S. Open semifinals, the work pits a rising Russian star against an American great in an epic showdown that follows two tennis titans through pivotal moments in their lives both on and off the court.

Read more details about the series at


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