
What You Can Do:

Support “green” politicians: The Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters keeps tabs on politicians and how they vote on environmental legislation. Check out how representatives’ environmental scorecard, then contact them to voice your opinions.

Recycle: One of those three important “R’s.” Make sure to recycle everything you can to keep waste out of the landfill.

Eat local organic food: Besides reducing the carbon footprint of your food by reducing the miles it has to travel from the farm to your plate, you’ll be supporting local businesses by eating local food. Eating organic food, or food grown with minimal pesticides and antibiotics, helps support a healthy environment.

Don’t use antibacterial soaps: The widespread use of antibacterial soaps contributes to the development of drug-resistant bacteria. Antibacterial ingredients, like triclosan, are associated with harming wildlife and disrupting hormones. Besides, a vigorous scrub with warm water and regular soap works just as well. Brands without triclosan include Ivory, Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, Weleda and Nature’s Gate.

Shop for sustainably produced products: You may have to pay a little more for sustainable products, but if you’re able to it’s worth it. Keep an eye out for local and fair trade items.