
Improvisation With Aretha Sills

Björklunden, Lawrence University’s campus in Baileys Harbor, continues its seminar series with “Everyone Can Improvise: Theater Games to Inspire Play, Mindfulness and Creative Problem Solving,” held Sept. 10-15 and led by Aretha Sills.

Theater Games created by Viola Spolin, Sills’ grandmother, launched the American improvisational theater movement and revolutionized the way acting is taught. Spolin’s work also went on to influence many fields beyond the theater, including therapy, science communication and education. 

In this workshop, participants will play Spolin’s on-your-feet games and exercises to help enter the present, creatively problem solve and communicate with presence and authenticity. There is no pressure to perform; all experiences are integrated through play and discussion in a fun and safe environment.

Sills studied theater games for many years with her father, director Paul Sills, the creator/director of The Second City and Story Theater. She has conducted workshops for Paul Sills’ Wisconsin Theater Game Center, Bard College, the Stella Adler Studio of Acting, Sarah Lawrence College, Northwestern University and the Ed Asner Family Center.

Find out more and register for the seminar at