
Jessup Benefit Concert Dec. 7

On Sunday, Dec. 7, a Benefit Concert and Silent Auction will be held for Door County resident Laurel Jessup, who was hit by an uninsured drunk driver in mid-September on the Ellison Bay hill.

Luarel Jessup

Laurel, a graduate of Gibraltar High School and Northland College, has been recovering at home from injuries for the past two months. All proceeds will go towards outstanding medical bills and the pursuit of educational goals put on hold by the accident.

The event will be at the Sister Bay Town Hall from 3:30 – 7:30 pm. Musical guests Doc Heide, Tommy Burroughs and Katie Dahl will perform at 5 pm, followed by Jeanne Kuhns, Lynn Gudmundsen, and George Sawyn at 6 pm. The Silent Auction begins at 3:30 pm, and will feature fanciful to functional items generously donated by local businesses. Bidding closes at 7. You need not be present to win.

Appetizers and beverage refreshments are being donated by T. Ashwell’s, The Whistling Swan, the Mission Grille and other local businesses. Financial support for this project has come from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans

A $10 donation at the door is suggested, with additional contributions gladly accepted. If you are unable to attend but would still like to contribute, a special Laurel Jessup Benefit Fund has been established at Associated Bank, P.O. Box 507, Sister Bay, WI, 54234.

If you are a local business and would like to contribute to the silent auction or food and have not been contacted, please call Zack Lozoff at 920.493.0670.