
LeCaptain Awarded Scholarship at University of Minnesota

Former Southern Door football star Derik LeCaptain, a walk-on linebacker at the University of Minnesota, received a big surprise during an Aug. 18 team meeting. Coach PJ Fleck presented players with an oar on which was written a word such as “trust,” “consistency” or “family,” and he asked the players to describe what the word meant to them. 

When LeCaptain received his oar, he turned it over to reveal the fulfillment of a dream: On the back was written the word “scholarship.”

When he read it, his teammates erupted in cheers before engulfing him. LeCaptain had tears in his eyes as he thanked Fleck for taking a chance on him when few programs would, and then the redshirt sophomore addressed his teammates. 

“Every time I step on the field, it’s for you guys,” he told them.

A video of the presentation is available at