
Letter to the Editor: Medicare for Everyone

The recently proposed Republican answer to replace the Affordable Care Act, AKA Obamacare, is a sham. Medical insurance will cost just as much if not more than under the ACA. It will not require citizens to purchase health insurance. The uninsured medical bills will be passed on to the rest of us by the medical community increasing their costs. It will increase medical inflation.

ACA did a few good things: increased the number of insured, reduced bankruptcy because of medical bills, required insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions, required employers’ group insurance plans to extend coverage to dependents, and slowed medical inflation.

I agree with Dr. Ron Klimaitis’ letter in the March 4 Advocate to expand Medicare for everyone. Expanding Medicare is a simple solution. It would require everyone to pay for medical insurance. Employers can drop or change their medical plans and become more competitive. Insurance companies will not go broke. They can compete to process Medicare claims; continue to sell Medicare supplemental plans, dental insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, etc.

The American Medical Association (AMA) and the Association of American Retired Persons (AARP) said, “The proposed Republican plan won’t work.”

Paula Cashin,

Retired, Group Insurance Broker/Consultant and Corporate Employee Benefits Manager

Egg Harbor, Wis.