
Letter to the Editor: The Road to Chaos

George Santayana once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” In the 18th century, deference to the French king had declined. His word was no longer final. The people were desperate for food and the money to buy it. Angry women marched on Versailles – the king’s palace, a refuge away from Paris. Various factions competed for power. People spoke of conspiracies, and many were killed by state violence. Neighboring countries declared war and chaos overwhelmed the nation.

In this century, our country has had flawed national elections – some would say they were illegitimate. Several times the loser got more total votes than the winner due to the arcane Electoral College. The president has limited respect. Many voice their disapproval and a million women march in Washington. Diverse coalitions fight for power and rumors of conspiracies fill the air. The president sends out tweet storms slamming the media’s “fake news,” but clings to his “alternative facts” including false accusations of wire tapping by President Obama. Disorientation and confusion spread across the nation. Meanwhile, the president presides at his Versailles – Mar-a-Lago, “The White House, Inc.” – open for business and war talk…but no trespassing permitted. Are we on the road to chaos?

Larry J. Eriksson

Ellison Bay, Wis.

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