
Letter to the Editor: Concerned about Egg Harbor Safety

I have attended the last two Egg Harbor Fire Commission meetings and have witnessed some very disrespectful behavior by the members of the commission as a whole toward the people of Egg Harbor who are concerned with the safety of the community. 

At both of the meetings I attended, they closed the session and sent us outside for 90 minutes during the first meeting and 60-plus minutes during the second. Their reasoning was that they were discussing items that the public should not be privy to. Understanding that they are required to go into closed session to discuss personnel issues, what in the world were they discussing to warrant that length of time? 

Regarding the personnel issues, I believe the firefighters who were terminated or punished should be getting achievement and community-service awards instead of the disrespect they are receiving from the fire commission and the Egg Harbor fire chief.

The situation is bigger than those three individuals – the safety of the entire community is at stake. Experience and dedication are being replaced by power and nepotism. The Egg Harbor Fire Department is throwing away three dedicated, well-trained fire department and EMT individuals that any other fire department would be thrilled to have. 

I am a business owner in Egg Harbor. Let’s not forget who is paying taxes to maintain all of this. The people of Egg Harbor deserve so much more. 

Karen Rozek

Fish Creek, Wisconsin