
Location Change for Next Fire District Exploratory Committee

Welcome to the Notes from the Grove, providing Liberty Grove residents and visitors tid bits of information about goings on in Town Government.

• Due to the regular meeting date for the town board falling on July 4 and a limited agenda, the board did not meet. The next regular scheduled meeting will be July 18.

• The location of the Fire District Exploratory Committee has changed to the Sister Bay Liberty Grove North Fire Station located on Highway 42 in Ellison Bay.

• A draft of the proposed revised Road Maintenance Policy can be found under meeting information on the town’s website. The committee is putting the final touches on the draft.

• The town is often asked to reduce the speed limit on its roads. State Statutes administered by the DOT give fixed limits for more than a dozen situations depending on the road type, jurisdiction, and land use.

Cities and Villages have more latitude in controlling the speed limits within their incorporated boundaries. The set speed limit for county and town roads is 55 mph. The Town has the option to reduce that to 45 mph without approval by the DOT. A town road with a minimum of 1,000 feet with 150 feet or less driveway spacing may have the limit lowered to 35 mph if given permission from the DOT. The Highway Committee will be surveying the speed limits on various town roads to determine if adjustments are needed on certain roads.

• A reminder that mowing of town roads takes place in the late spring and fall. All roads are subject to mowing, but if a property owner wishes to mow along their section of road, it is permissible.

Planting of trees and/or vegetation within the road right of way is subject to removal by the town if it is considered a safety hazard. Wisconsin statutes provide that “The (town) shall remove, cut, or trim or consent to the removing, cutting, or trimming of any tree, shrub, or vegetation in order to provide safety to users of the highway”.

• Town records indicate that on July 9, 1907 the board met to consider acting on a petition for a stone crusher. The board decided to postpone any stone crusher this year. Justice of the Peace Arnt Hoganson tendered his resignation that was accepted by the board.