
Overheard and Shout Outs: Jan. 11, 2019


Are there tid-bits of conversations you’ve heard while standing in line at the grocery store, serving a table, or walking down the sidewalk that make you smile, cringe or laugh out loud?

“You don’t want your spices to outlive you.”

“Don’t order pickle juice and drive.”

“Do you remember when Alaska became a country?”

“I can’t have outrage for  everything.”

“That’s real condiment art.”

“It’s by the deviled meat experience.”

“Wearing buffalo plaid is more my speed.”


Is there someone or something that deserves a pat on the back or a slap on the wrist?

Shout-out to all the coaches and student volunteers who give their time on Saturday mornings for Gibraltar’s Little Vikes basketball program.

Thanks to our snowplow drivers and people who shovel and snowblow our parking lots/driveways. Your work is appreciated and never goes unnoticed.

A slap on the wrist to litterbugs. The world is not your personal trash receptacle!

Be a part of the Pulse! Send over your SHOUT OUTS, OBSESSIONS, OVERHEARDS, or PET PEEVES to [email protected] with one of the above categories in the subject line…and, let us know if you’d prefer the submission be printed anonymously.