
Self-Publishing Conundrum

With the ever-increasing variety of publishing choices available to today’s writer, which one is the best for your manuscript? Write On, Door County offers a workshop to help you decide which route to publication best meets your needs on Oct. 25, 2 – 4:30 pm. “To Self-Publish or Not: That is the Question” with author Margaret Philbrick will be held at a private home in Baileys Harbor; location provided with registration confirmation.

Philbrick, who has experience with the joys and trials of self-publishing as well as working with a traditional publisher, will shed some light on the pros and cons of several different options. Children’s books as well as adult offerings will be addressed. Bring a notebook or a computer and a short piece of writing to share. Publishing resources will be provided.

Philbrick is the author of the novel, A Minor – A Novel of Love, Music, and Memory (Koehler Books) and the children’s book Back to the Manger – A Treasure Hunt for the Nativity (Singing River Publications). She is currently working on a collection of poetry.

The cost is $35. Participants may register online at or call 920.868.1457 for other payment options.