
String Theory

a dark quiet night
the violin is silent
patiently waiting

the bow awakens
slowly moving back and forth
the music begins

soon moving faster
the bow crosses from string to string
in clouds of rosin

a blue glow appears
as ions accumulate
and the music builds

now sparks are flying
rivers of color and light
a cascade of stars

the night disappears
lightning arcs across the sky
filling the ether

energy from strings
creating light from darkness
as the bow moves on

sound and light spring forth
pushing the edge of the void
expanding the world

Originally published in Broken Strings, Missing Notes by Larry J. Eriksson, Quarter Section Press, 2005

Larry Eriksson is a retired research manager who began playing the violin as an older adult. Now he enjoys playing duets with his grandchildren. He lives in Ellison Bay and Madison.