
“Taste of Egg Harbor” Held at Harbor View Park

The Egg Harbor Historical Society (EHHS) will host the annual “Taste of Egg Harbor,” on August 25, 10 am – 4 pm, at Harbor View Park.
The day’s activities include a “Taste of Egg Harbor” with food and beverage specialties from area restaurants and shops. Traditional Wisconsin brats, hotdogs and soda will also be available.
Music will be provided by Dale Graf in the morning and by the Bittorf Brothers in the afternoon.
The EHHS’s “Barnyard Olympics” will challenge kids of all ages. Guided walking tours of the Alpine Resort, Chief Oshkosh Native American Arts, the 1871 Cupola House, and the village will be available. Group size is limited; participants must sign up for tours at the park.
For more information visit