
Ten Steps to Going Green

Katy Deardorff is a Peninsula Pulse intern entering her sophomore year at Indiana University. This summer she was assigned the task of collecting information for the Green Page, but there was one problem – she didn’t know much about going green. Here, she details her ongoing education.

I was skimming through when I saw a peculiar headline. It read:  “Will the Next World War Be Over Water?” I was instantly intrigued.

Our body is made out of 60 percent water. As I learned in science class the human body needs water, oxygen, food and shelter to survive. Clearly water is vital to our existence, and if we are willing to fight for oil, it seems we’d be willing to fight for water. But will we let it get that bad?

According to the article, one-sixth of the world’s population lacks access to clean drinking water, and more than two million people – mostly kids – die each year from water-borne diseases.”

So naturally, I am going to try to do my part in saving water in my continuing attempt to live a greener life. With the help of I have found some incredibly useful tips:

  • Make sure your house is leak free – faucets and pipes.
  • Don’t fill the bathtub to the brim. And put the drain down right away. The cold water that comes out first can be warmed by hot water later.
  • Turn water off when brushing teeth or for guys when they shave.
  • Take shorter showers.
  • Don’t pour water out, put it in the fridge or water the plants with it, because about 95 percent of the water entering our homes goes down the drain, according the

So there it is. Step Number Six to living a greener life – preserve your water, because in the future it may be scarce.