
The Ridges Sanctuary Offers Birders Programs

The Ridges Sanctuary ushers in May with a variety of bird related programs.

Baileys Harbor was recently designated as a Bird City, having met criteria in categories including habitat creation and protection, community forest management, limiting hazards and public education. On May 5 at 10 am, bird enthusiasts are welcome to attend the inaugural meeting of Baileys Birders. To learn more about this new birding group and the Bird City designation, meet at The Ridges Sanctuary’s Marshall Cabin.

The Ridges will start the regular schedule of bird hikes on May 12 when two hikes will be offered. For the early risers, a “Discovery Bird Hike” will start at 6:30 am and for the “not so early” birders, there will be another hike offered at 9 am. Both hikes will begin at the Ridges Nature Center and are designed for beginning and experienced birders. Hikes are free to Ridges members, and $5 to the general public.

Also, on May 12 the Early Birders Club meeting will be held at the Nature Center at Peninsula State Park at 10 am. Park Naturalist Kathleen Harris will lead participants to the best spot to see and hear warblers. The cost is $15 per family for members of The Ridges and $20 per family for the general public.

The Ridge’s Nature Store will open for the season on May 16.

The Ridges Sanctuary, a non-profit nature preserve, is located just north of Baileys Harbor on County Highway Q. For more information call 920.839.2802 or visit