
Variation on Garudasana (Eagle Pose)

Start in a cross-legged, seated position on a folded blanket or firm cushion on the floor. Slide forward until your sit-bones are on the front edge of the cushion. Rock the pubic bone toward the floor until you’re able to sit perfectly erect stacking the shoulders over the hips and the ears over the shoulders.

Begin to gently deepen your breath. If you are unable to sit comfortably on the floor you can sit in a straight back chair (slide to the front edge of the chair with both feet flat on the floor).

Bring your awareness to your breath. On a full inhalation sweep your arms out to your sides at shoulder height. On the exhale, sweep your arms together. Bring your left arm under the right, passing the left elbow under the right elbow. Bend your elbows to extend your forearms up toward the ceiling, moving the back of the hands toward each other. If flexibility permits you can wrap your forearms bringing your palms together.

On the inhale, raise the arms until the elbows are shoulder height, directing your breath into the space between the shoulder blades. You should feel the stretch in the shoulders and between the shoulder blades

In each yoga pose there is a place to rest the gaze. By focusing the eyes we can better focus the mind. This gazing point is called Drishti. In Eagle Pose the gaze is at the inner elbows. On the exhale, release the shoulders back and down, gazing into the crook of the elbows.

Hold the pose for one to three minutes, breathing steadily. Inhale to sweep the arms open and exhale them back down by your sides. Roll the shoulders a couple of times in each direction. Prepare to do the pose on the other side. Repeat, sweeping the right arm under the left.

Eagle pose is an excellent way to release and open the shoulders and release tension in the neck and shoulders. If you have a shoulder injury and any part of the pose causes discomfort or pinching in the neck or shoulders please stop or back off until the discomfort ceases.

Kathy Navis is the owner of Junction Center Yoga Studio, located at 3435 Junction Road just off of County Highway A north of Jacksonport. For more information call 920.823.2763, email [email protected] or visit