
Bjorn Bakken Reports

Peninsula Pulse Senior Correspondent Bjorn Bakken puts you at the scene through his crisp reporting of the news as it takes place in the village and town meeting halls. Bakken reports in this issue from the council chambers of Egg Harbor, here is his dispatch filed 14 August, 2008:

The Egg Harbor Municipal Auditorium was packed with both Village and Township residents as the Police and Fire Commission, the Port Authority officials, and the Egg Harbor Division of Weights and Measures held a joint session on the Marina, Spa, and Condominium Complex scheduled for 2009 construction. Similar to the previous meeting, discussion focused on the length of the main pier, the height of the five-story condo building, and whether there would be a casino in the spa. Council president Skaar Daank said it was too soon to tell if there would be a McDonald’s restaurant or something more upscale. He added that, if funding were available, the whole package would be a boon to Egg Harbor.

Questioned from the floor, Council Chairman Daggmar Donalldsen said that it was not Egg Harbor’s responsibility to inform visitors that Haagen Das ice cream was actually made in western Wisconsin somewhere near the state line.