

In the June 27 issue of the Peninsula Pulse the article titled “Egan Center Hosts Summer Concert Series,” was inaccurate. Following is a clarification of the project’s design process and funding.

The land for the Peg Egan Performing Arts Center was donated by Egg Harbor View LLC, a private group of investors who are also property owners at Eames Farm. The land was donated under the condition that 80 percent of the land would function as a cherry orchard. Kevin Egan approached former Egg Harbor president Bruce Hill with the idea of building a performing arts center on the remaining 20 percent of the land and offered to donate $150,000, with the understanding that the village would cover the remaining costs.

After communicating with the village Public Works Committee, Egan hired Portside Construction to work on the project. Ralph Bergman from Portside’s Development Services found the winning design for the band shell. The shelter was designed by Litchfield Landscape Elements, was built in Alabama and constructed by Portside Construction.

The article failed to note that the Village of Egg Harbor is funding the $25,000 cost of the Sunset Concert series with room tax revenue in a contract with the Egg Harbor Business Association.

The total financial investment in the Egan Center was $220,000, not $900,000 as the article stated.

Also, the name of the Siegel-Schwall Band was misspelled. We regret the errors.