
Customized Union Hotel Photo Art Piece Finished

Erin Tauscher, Baileys Harbor photography artist, finished her largest piece yet. She fit 35 metal plates together and framed them with old barn wood to form the historic image of Union Hotel in De Pere.

It all started with a low-quality scanned image of the hotel. She used Photoshop to cut people, signs, powerlines and cars out of the image and recreate the building. She even recreated the trademark neon hotel and tap room signs. Then she aged all 35 metal plates with different designs and transferred each section of the enlarged picture. Finishing touches included gluing different wood pieces together and aligning, overlapping and securing the metal plates.

Tauscher said, “The amount of time I spent on this project was astounding but worth every minute of experience. I’m grateful to all the people that helped me learn along the way.”

For a customized photo art piece or to see more of Tauscher’s work, find “Erin M. Tauscher Photography Art” on Facebook or contact her directly at [email protected] or 920.839.5139.

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