
Door County Folk Festival Presents Dance/Music Weekend

The Door County Folk Festival (DCCF) will again present a fun-filled, educational dance/music weekend July 10-14 that attracts hundreds of participants from around North America and beyond. DCFF offers dancing, learning, networking, eating, partying and making friends in a congenial, relaxed, community atmosphere.

DCFF events are designed for audience participation: learning and doing ethnic heritage dances and songs of America’s diverse populations. The festival includes workshops in Balkan, international, Israeli, American square and contra dance.

There will be wonderful dance parties at 8 pm every evening and two special group activities in Baileys Harbor Park: the bring-your-own-dessert-to-share social hour July 19, 7 pm; and a traditional Door County fish-boil dinner July 20, with seatings at 6 pm and 6:30 pm. (There is a limit of 40 per fish-boil seating.)

To learn more, register and see a detailed schedule, visit


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