
Drop-In Yoga Class at Dancin’ on the Door

A $5 drop-in yoga class taught by instructor Gretchen Geurts will be held at Dancin’ on the Door on July 29. The class will run from 9:45 – 10:45 am and is open for all levels of experience.

The history of Gretchen’s relationship with yoga is rich. Through many years of traveling and living in Hawaii, she has committed herself to study with a wide variety of yoginis. She rejoined the community in 2011 with a mission to making yoga accessible to every person. Geurts remains forever grateful to how yoga changed her life, encouraging each of her students to shine in their own light.

“When I entered Door County in 2011, I sought out a place to practice yoga,” she explains. “Just in the last year, two new studios have emerged, Ironwood and Dancin’ on the Door. I feel blessed to be part of these movements and encourage all to come practice and spread the word to keep these little studios alive in our community!”

To sign-up or for more information call 920.868.5089 or visit Dancin’ on the Door is located at 4614 Harbor School Road in Egg Harbor.