
Gibraltar Middle School Student Council Goes to Scandia

The Middle School Student Council visited Scandia Village in late January to share a variety of 21st Century technology tools to the residents. As technology continues to advance faster then most baby boomers can adapt and use them, these young teens and preteens can walk, talk and play with these gadgets simultaneously.

As committee chairperson, Ashley Tank stated, “We want to take technology to our senior citizens and share our experiences with them.”

Students will host involvement with the Wii, an interactive game system. The game provides the opportunity to “virtually” bowl, play tennis, baseball and golf. In addition to the Wii, students will demonstrate Ipods, cell phones, and laptop computers.

Multi tasking in the 21st Century involves technology. The Middle School Student Council members are a great group of sixth, seventh and eighth graders working to better their school and community through a variety of projects and events.