
Letter to the Editor: A Legacy of Lies

I believe that the big lie – Trump won – is built on a pile of Republican lies. Like your tomatoes, the big lie didn’t come out of nowhere. It has been nurtured through a series of smaller lies originating in the Republican Party. 

We’ve been told repeatedly that trickle-down economics works, that tax breaks for the wealthy are good for the middle class. 

We’ve been told and shown dramatically, over and over, that Black lives don’t matter, that systemic racism is not real.

We’ve been told not to worry about gun violence, that the unemployed don’t want to work, that the minimum wage is not too low. 

We’ve been told there is no such thing as nonpartisanship. We’ve been told that Wisconsin rejecting $1.6 billion of federal health care aid is good for our state. 

We have been told that COVID-19 and climate change are hoaxes. We’ve been told voter fraud corrupted 2020 elections. Hundreds of taxpayer-funded bills have been introduced across the nation (12 in Wisconsin), but no such fraud has been proven. Recently, we were told that the Capitol was stormed by “tourists” on Jan. 6. 

All a bunch of lies forming the base for the big lie, all promoted by the Republican Party. The big lie is needed to keep the Republican Party in power so it can perpetuate the small lies.

Republicans would rather spend our tax dollars hiring attorneys to stay in power than increase citizens’ access to health care, reduce income and wealth inequality, improve our infrastructure, reduce pollution, improve the criminal-justice system or engage in any of the many other ways to improve or sustain our common good. 

It’s all about power: Republican power. The Republican Party is orchestrating these lies, and because they lie to the voters, they’re afraid of the voters. All members of the Republican Party of the big lie need to go.

Do we really want to hand a legacy of lies to future generations? I don’t. Let’s vote them out.

Mike Brodd

Sister Bay, Wisconsin