
Letter to the Editor: A Thank-you to Citizens Who Care

I would like to thank all the concerned citizens who attended the Baileys Harbor monthly town meeting on July 12 to share their concerns about the safety and well-being of our community. The information provided about the dangerous situation on Highway 57 was very compelling, and it was great to see people coming together with a call for action. 

I hope all of the interventions recommended by the Department of Transportation are approved and implemented as soon as possible, including adding cautionary signs along Highway 57 and a rectangular rapid-flashing beacon with push-button activation at the crossing for the golf carts. 

I hope this improves the situation. I will remain in support of reducing the speed limit for the entire stretch of Highway 57 between Baileys Harbor and Jacksonport, and restricting passing on the highway along Maxwelton Braes. The feedback from all of you will be essential to monitoring this situation. Thanks for caring!

Roberta Thelen

Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin

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