
Letter to the Editor: Civility Is the Lubricant of a United Society

In Lynn Lees’ letter to the editor [April 1], she wrote, “Where has civil behavior gone? What has happened to decency in political debate?” I have some thoughts. 

“Civility” has been labeled “political correctness” (PC), and has been made a bad thing by many on our political right. Also, it seems that “PC” in the opinion of some on the right means that we have to listen to and respect their opinions, no matter how ignorant, scientifically illiterate, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, insane, not factual or laughable. 

Then when we challenge their opinions, they accuse us of “cancel culture,” meaning there is no way to deal with their statements. Civility means personal politeness, and that is the lubricant of a united society.

Dennis Keith Johnson

Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin