
Letter to the Editor: Disconnect

One definition of the word “disconnect” is “a lack of or a break in connection, consistency or agreement.”

Here’s an example. While driving down a country road, I passed a farm with a sign for organic eggs. There were also three Trump signs in front of the same property. I had to ask myself, “How can someone who is practicing and supporting organic agriculture also support someone who is doing everything he can to dismantle environmental protections and who denies climate change?” 

Then I started thinking of a longtime family friend who voted for Trump in 2016. He is a white, middle-aged, middle-class man. He is a loyal friend – honest, caring, compassionate and always helping others. His personality and values remind me so much more of the caring man I see in Joe Biden. This friend does not remind me of Donald Trump at all. What is the attraction? What compelling features does Donald Trump have that cause the disconnect we see in some people? 

I am a strong supporter of all the Democractic candidates on the Nov. 3 ballot: Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris, Amanda Stuck, Kim Delorit Jensen and Democratic candidates nationwide. We need these people in positions of power and influence to address the critical issues of our times, including dealing with the enormous scope of COVID-19 and addressing climate change, issues of social injustice, access to health care and quality education, gun legislation and restoring a sense of hope for the common good of all people and our planet Earth.

Now we also need to be on high alert regarding the aggressive and unprecedented pursuit to rush the appointment of a new justice to the Supreme Court. The stakes are high, and we all need to share our voices and strongly consider what we truly value. Our vote is our voice!

Roberta Thelen

Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin