
Letter to the Editor: Door County Environmental Council Opposes Quarry Village RV Campground

The Door County Environmental Council strongly opposes the 117-unit RV campground being planned for the abandoned quarry above George K. Pinney County Park and Marina. Concrete RV pads for Class A motor homes (coaches constructed with heavy-duty tour-bus frames) and the possibility and option of 115 single-family houses on all but two of these lots are also being proposed. The question is: How will this proposed motor-coach development impact the environment? 

In addition to impeding the park’s recreational use, likely diminishing neighboring property values, increasing traffic and posing safety concerns for walkers, joggers and bicyclists on Bay Shore Drive, this development will increase density, noise and light pollution; disrupt wildlife; and pose potential environmental concern with the possibility of sewage spilling from the proposed sanitary-waste containment facility consisting of multiple large holding tanks adjacent to Bay Shore Drive.

The proposed site sits on a ledge of porous karst topography high above and a few hundred feet from the bay. The developers have proposed three onsite sanitary-waste holding tanks with an unspecified capacity that will require frequent emptying. It’s unclear whether the system, as sized, is appropriate for the intended use, and although the system will be required to meet county code, systems do fail.

Currently, when it rains, quarry rainwater drains to lower levels. Retention ponds are not perfect. What happens to rainwater runoff contaminated with leaked motor-coach oil, transmission and coolant fluids? It drains into the bay.

It appears there is only one access road for the proposed campground. In an emergency, would residents driving large motor coaches be able to successfully and uneventfully exit the development?

As for 117 Class A motor coaches and 115 single-family homes on 50 acres, how is this harmonious with the area? This type of development is not compatible with the surrounding area of residences, park land and marina.

Given the above, the Door County Environmental Council opposes the quarry village RV campground.

Door County Environmental Council Board of Directors

Mike Bahrke

Ellison Bay, Wisconsin