
Letter to the Editor: Parallel Universe

Fellow citizens of these United States of America, are we living in some sort of parallel universe? We just witnessed the president of Russia – former diabolical butcher of the KGB Vladimir Putin – invade a neighboring democratic country, Ukraine, and kill every child, woman and man in his way under the guise of “ridding the country of Nazis.” 

If that wasn’t bizarre enough, the former Republican president praised Putin by saying he “admires him, and his invasion of Ukraine was genius.” 

In what universe is that pure act of evil acceptable? To all of you with signs on your lawns supporting him for president in 2024, and all supporters in general, is this really who you are? Is this what the Republican Party stands for? Growing up, who in your house used the expression, “You’re judged by the company you keep”? It was my mother. 

Pete Thelen
Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin