
Letter to the Editor: Staff and Resources Needed, Not Reorganization

The recent announcement by the Department of Natural Resources that there will be yet another reorganization to “improve” the efficiency of the department has to be taken with a grain of salt. We have been here before and can expect similar results. Specifically, my expectation is that changes to how environmental permits are issued to livestock operations will be less, not more efficient and therefore less effective and protective of the environment.

The current program requires the farm owner to hire a consultant to work with the DNR to prepare nutrient (manure) handling plans. The plans are supposed to identify how much and when farmers can spread manure. The consultant prepares the plans as they understand the department’s requirements and the department reviews and approves each plan. Existing limited staff and internal department approval requirements results in long approval times. It also limits the time department staff has to inspect farms for compliance.

The new plan is to have the department prepare a list of qualified consultants who farmers can hire to prepare plans that the department will then approve. Unfortunately, I expect that this change will result in a rush of department staff out the door as they are offered better jobs by consultants to prepare those plans. As the DNR loses staff, inexperienced personnel will be hired to fill the void. Pressure will then be put on the department by farmers and politicians to approve plans quickly since they supposedly are prepared according to the DNR requirements. The new employees will then be required to both review and approve plans and also inspect farm operations. The result will be less oversight by the department, not greater control of manure management.

My suggestion is to strengthen the current manure management requirements and hire enough department staff to run the existing program. Reorganization is not needed, staff and resources are instead.


Michael Dovichi

Algoma, Wis.


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