
Luxemburg-Casco’s Locally Grown School Lunch

The Luxemburg-Casco (L-C) School District is among a growing number of districts – now more than 67,000 nationwide – to participate in the Farm to School program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).

The movement promotes the use of locally and regionally grown foods in schools, said L-C Food Service Director Deb Pockl.

“What a great learning opportunity it is for our students to see where their food comes from,” Pockl said. “We also strongly believe in supporting our local businesses, and the Farm to School program gives us the chance to do that.”

Pockl worked closely with Justine Selk, L-C High School Agriculture teacher and FFA coordinator, to decide what food products could best be grown by students for the lunch program at the middle school and high school. They determined that tomatoes and leaf lettuce, and possibly cucumbers, will be the primary focus of student agricultural production in the school Agriscience Center greenhouse.

Luxemburg-Casco middle school and high school lunches include locally produced cheese from Ron’s and Agropur through the federal Farm to School program. Submitted.

Local partnerships were created last year, supported by a USDA Local Foods Grant. In 2023, the district purchased ground beef from Otto’s Beef, ground pork, hot dogs, shredded mozzarella from Agropur and cheddar cheese from Ron’s Cheese, and fresh apples and cider from local businesses – putting $14,500 back into the local economy. 

Pockl places on all monthly district menus a 1946 quote from President Harry Truman – “In the long view, no nation is any healthier than its children or more prosperous than its farmers” – which he gave upon signing the National School Lunch Act.