
On-Site Shipyard Tours Canceled For 2024

Shoreline boat tours of the working waterfront will provide an alternative

Taking factors into account that include the growth and changing business model at Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding, the Rotary Club of Sturgeon Bay will not conduct on-site shipyard tours this year.  

The Rotarians cannot gain the access needed to provide visitors with a quality tour. 

“While we are disappointed that the event cannot continue, we are excited for the new opportunities ahead for Fincantieri Bay ShipBuilding,” the Rotary Club statement read. “The cornerstone to the event was the tour of the Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding yard and we would like to thank Fincantieri for their past and continued commitment to our community.”

As an alternative to Shipyard Tours, the Rotary Club, in conjunction with Shoreline Boat Tours and Door County Maritime Museum, will sponsor “Sturgeon Bay Working Waterfront Tours, both Past

and Present: the weekend of June 21-23. The 25-person-capacity boat rides will provide an up-close look at sites and highlight seven unique working-waterfront points of interest. Tickets also will include access to the Door County Maritime Museum and viewing tower.

Tickets ($75) will be limited to 300 and be available starting April 1 through Tours will start at 8:15, 10:45, 12:45 and 2:45 each day. For more information, visit or the Rotary Club of Sturgeon Bay Facebook page.