

Are there tid-bits of conversations you’ve heard while standing in line at the grocery store, serving a table, or walking down the sidewalk that make you smile, cringe or laugh out loud? Here are some of the best-of-the-best bits of overheard information from all over the county.

“All I’m saying, is that straight guys don’t throw dead gophers at each other.”

“This music makes me want to go home in my garage and party by myself.”

“Shut up and lemme see your JAZZ HANDS!”

Overheard at 10 am: “Girrrl, you better get yer ass in there and get some wine!”

“I’ve been waiting a month to use this mustache.”

“I’ve gotta go vote…don’t drink my beer!”

“How did that grasshopper get in your backpack?”

“What you get out of life is what you put into it…minus what you have to pay the government of course.”

Be a part of the Pulse! Coming up: OBSESSIONS – Is there anything you can’t stop thinking about, listening to, watching, eating, drinking? From a wild enthusiasm for “Glee” and those Snickers Betty White commercials to a 15-year cheddar you can’t stop eating, or a song you’ve got on repeat, obsessions are meant to be your of-the-moment fixation. Send them over to [email protected] with OBSESSION in the subject line… and, let us know if you’d prefer the submission be printed anonymously.