
Parks Dept. Acquires Egg Harbor’s Horseshoe Bay Cave Property

The Door County Board of Supervisors secured public access to the caves near Horseshoe Bay in the Town of Egg Harbor. At its July 27 meeting the board agreed to a swap of land with the owners of Horseshoe Bay Golf Course in which the county gained control of the caves and the golf course received a piece of land by the course’s 18th green. The county also forgave the delinquent tax debt on the property.

The board recently purchased the meadow that stretches between the barns of Horseshoe Bay Farms and Frank Murphy County Park along County G. That purchase was made primarily with grant dollars.

Supervisors also approved language for an advisory referendum to be placed on the November ballot. The question reads as follows: “Should the Wisconsin Constitution be amended to establish a department of transportation and a transportation fund, and to prohibit the money deposited in the transportation fund from being used for non-transportation purposes.”

The referendum comes in response to the state’s practice of transferring money from the transportation segregated fund to supplement a general fund shortfall, which resulted in the state then borrowing money to replenish the transportation fund.