
Retiring Old Flags

Door County Farm for Vets hosted a Forestville American Legion Post 372 flag-retirement ceremony on Flag Day, June 14.

The American flag “represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing,” according to the United States Flag Code, and thus it requires proper disposal carried out with care and ceremonial burning.

“The American flag is the symbol for all that we stand for and a symbol for all those who have laid down their lives in defense of this great nation,” said veteran Jake VandenPlas, a member of the Forestville American Legion and founder of Door County Farm for Vets, a nonprofit organization in Forestville that provides education and support to veterans. 

“Ensuring that symbol is properly laid to rest instead of simply tossed into the garbage is the best way we can protect that message, our symbol of freedom, and honor those who have come home under a flag-draped coffin,” VandenPlas said.

Depending on the volume of old flags, the Forestville American Legion holds two flag-retirement ceremonies annually. Learn more by calling Door County Farm for Vets at 920.604.4074.