
Sleuthing in Baileys Harbor

Camera in hand, we stalked

Orphan Annie’s B & B in search of

Baileys Harbor Elementary School.

An elusive subject, the original building’s

existence warranted both our caution

and skepticism.


Disguises may have commercial value

for a quaint but elegant lady

in mid-twentieth century dress.

A fine oak door adorned by polished brass.

Coach lights radiating welcome, their brilliance

unlike any rural school of its era.


Crunching our way over icy patches

on a dormant but still green lawn,

we made our way to the back of the building.

Past patios and French doors, past grape

arbors and rose trellises. Small grills left

to the vicissitudes of the off-season.


Behind the building – at last –

evidence of the school-that-was

steeped through clay-toned stucco walls.

Flanked by sets of familiar, narrow windows

and centered over identical doors, the sign:

Baileys Harbor School, 1917.