
Weather Intelligence

The forecaster deploys us to the market
where we march up and down aisles,
commandeer food and supplies,
fill carts to the brim
and stand in checkout lines
with military precision.

Battle experienced, we maneuver
rubbish cans out of the plow’s reach
and retrieve mail from its box.
Prescription refills are stowed in cabinets
closets checked for water jugs and
flashlights ordered to stand on alert.

Snow attacks during the night
and bombards our position all the next day,
the wind driving it in great clouds over the roof.
Soon the road is impassable.

Inside our stronghold we hold our position
of warmth and refuge.
Peace descends over the household.
Like squirrels with adequate nuts stored away
we feel a certain smugness in our preparations
to meet and withstand the Snow Blitz.

Relieved of usual duties we relax into long naps,
turn to books stacked up over months
cook a savory stew and answer long overdue notes.
Later we watch the moon sparkle the earth.
Then to bed under layers of quilts
to sleep, perhaps to dream,
together in our small white universe.