
Door County Poet Laureate Releases New Chapbook

Finishing Line Press in Kentucky announced the forthcoming publication of Estella Lauter’s chapbook Transfiguration: Re-imagining Remedios Varo.

Transfiguration is based on the work of a brilliant painter, Remedios Varo (1908-1963), who began her life in Spain, followed a Surrealist poet to Paris during the Spanish Civil War, fled from Marseilles to Mexico City during WWII, and created an extraordinary body of figurative work. Lauter initially wrote about Varo’s paintings in her book Women As Mythmakers (Indiana University, 1984).

Lauter says, “In these poems, I am still fascinated by the tasks her female protagonists undertake, but I now also see her as a defender of the natural world against human encroachments. The poems respond to her life as well as to the paintings.”

Finishing Line is a small independent press devoted to poetry. Lauter’s first book, Pressing a Life Together by Hand, appeared in their series called “New Women’s Voices,” and they also published The Essential Rudder: North Channel Poems, a collection of poems about sailing journeys to the North Channel on the Canadian shore of Lake Huron. For ordering information visit