
Learning, Volunteer Opportunities at Crossroads

Those interested in helping Crossroads at Big Creek monitor the health of its wetlands can attend a volunteer-training session at the preserve on March 9, 9-11 am.

On the same day at 2 pm, families can learn about how the Northern Lights occur during a weekly Science Saturday program. The free program is geared towards elementary-aged students, but learners of all ages are welcome. 

The Door Peninsula Astronomical Society (DPAS) will present a program about how to safely observe the sun with a telescope during its monthly meeting on March 12, 7-9 pm. Visitors are welcome. The meeting will be held at the Ray and Ruthie Stonecipher Astronomy Center, 2200 Utah St. in Sturgeon Bay.

Emily Tyner, Director of Freshwater Science at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, will discuss how new federal programs will benefit the Cove Estuary, which Crossroads stewards. Titled “Research, Monitoring, and Outreach Opportunities with a Bay of Green Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR,)” the March 14 program will take place 7-9 pm.

Attendees can tune in at Crossroads or online; Zoom and Facebook Live links will be available at

All programs other than the DPAS meeting take place at Crossroads’ Collins Learning Center, 2041 Michigan St. in Sturgeon Bay.