
Letter to the Editor: Big Plans for Bird City Wisconsin

As 2015 draws to a close, I would like to thank you for assisting in the conservation, education, and citizen science efforts that take place in Bird City Wisconsin communities across our great state. Thank you!

Bird City Wisconsin’s resounding success is spawning similar programs in other states. Together we are clearly doing something right – as the old saying goes, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.” In spite of this, Bird City’s work remains difficult to fund. Most of our small budget consists of overhead dedicated to helping our communities deliver effective conservation, education, and outreach. Unfortunately, overhead is not sexy and many funding agencies do not cover it, a fact that leaves our program in a difficult position. It is for this reason that I ask you to please remember us in your year-end giving. Your tax-deductible donation will help us continue to make Wisconsin communities healthy for birds…and people.

Since this innovative undertaking began in 2010, Bird City Wisconsin has grown to 93 communities with more than 2.5 million residents. 2015 saw the addition of six new communities, five new High Flyers, and significant effort dedicated to a reorganization of Bird City’s inner workings that was necessitated by the program’s immense popularity and rapid growth. Bird City Wisconsin has also begun to expand its aims to include advocacy on behalf of birds, wildlife and Wisconsin residents. Our first major effort is an ongoing conversation with the Milwaukee Bucks regarding the use of bird-friendly design in their new arena.

Three items sit at the top of our 2016 “to do” list:

  1. A Bird City Wisconsin conference in Wausau on Oct. 27-29;
  2. A new website with current, easily accessible resources and an online platform for renewal applications;
  3. The recognition of our 100th Bird City Wisconsin community.

If you are fortunate enough to have had a good 2015 and are in a position to provide us with financial support, I would ask you to please send a check payable to Bird City’s 501(c)(3) umbrella organization, the Milwaukee Audubon Society, and mail it to Bird City at c/o Milwaukee Audubon Society, 1111 E. Brown Deer Road, Bayside, Wis., 53217.

Happy holidays, I hope that you have a great 2016.


Bryan Lenz, Director

Bird City Wisconsin

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