
“Merchants of Doubt” Screened at UUF

A free screening of Merchants of Doubt (2015, 93 minutes) will be held at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in north Ephraim on May 17 at 4:30 pm.

This documentary exposes a concerted strategy to create doubt about the facts of climate change through the use of pundits-for-hire who present themselves as scientific authorities. Based on the book by Naomi Oreskes, the film includes interviews with industry reps, global warming deniers, environmentalists and climate scientists to create a riveting behind-the-scenes look at how the fossil fuel industry has been so successful in blocking government action on climate change. The film shows how the climate denial movement borrowed from the playbook used by the tobacco industry for years, and how climate denial is a risky game of deception with high stakes – preying on people’s fears and creating societal division and inaction on climate change.

Join UUF on May 17 to learn about the climate denial machinery – how to recognize it, the tactics used, and the players – so you can more effectively counter its influence in your community.

The film is part of the monthly Movies That Matter series, examining a wide range of issues. The UU Fellowship is located at 10341 Hwy. 42 in north Ephraim. For more information call 920.854.7559.


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